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The Watson Residence

Spring 2019

Designed with: Sketchup, Hand Rendering


The furniture that I chose to remake, and/or incorporate into the design of the Watson
residence reflected the ideals that Charles Limbert created. The living room was were I got to
showcase more of the freedom of modeling the furniture pieces, in the design of the coffee
table, the side tables, the bookcases, and the fireplace. This freedom allowed me to take inspiration
from individual pieces designed by Limbert and mesh together some pieces to form
the ones I created. I made sure to chose pieces of furniture that incorporated the cutouts that
were found in Limbert’s designs. Also, I made sure to pick pieces that showed the joinery of
to in part show the craftsmanship that went into the creation of each piece. Along with the cutouts,
Limbert also incorporated hammered metal into designs of his lamps which encouraged
me to chose the light fixtures that I did. I took inspiration from the movement as a whole
when choosing the fabric, wood, and other samples that I did. The movement incorporated a
very natural color scheme, that used bold warm colors along with the earthy tones of mustard
yellow and mossy green

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